
Preparing for Your Appointment




Booking your Implant or IUD Appointment

SHORE Centre offers regular appointments for Implant and IUD insertions.

If you already have a prescription from your primary care provider, call us at 519-743-9360 to book an insertion appointment, book online, or have your primary care provider send us a referral for the insertion. 

If you do not have a prescription, multiple appointments may be necessary in order for you to meet with our clinician for your prescription and schedule a date for insertion. Contact our office at 519-743-9360 to book an appointment. No referral required.

Insertion and removal appointments are available at our in Waterloo, St. Jacobs, and Guelph locations.

IUD Insertion Information

Before Your Appointment

  1. Go to the pharmacy and get your your IUD.

Day of Your Appointment

  1. Take 600 mg of ibuprofen (Advil) one hour before your appointment to assist with comfort and follow any additional preparation instructions you received from your clinician.
  2. We recommend having a light snack before your appointment and staying well hydrated.
  3. Bring your device with you to have inserted.
  4. IUDs can be put in at any point in your menstrual cycle, but may be more comfortable when you are menstruating.

At Your Appointment

  1. You will be asked to provide a sample of urine for a pregnancy test, as an IUD cannot be inserted if you are pregnant.
  2. You will meet with your clinician and they will review the insertion process and answer any questions you have.
  3. You will undress from the waist down and lay down on the exam table for the insertion.
  4. The clinician will ask you some questions about your medical history. Then they’ll check your vagina, cervix, and uterus, and they may test you for STIs if you would like.
  5. To put the IUD in, the clinician will put a speculum into your vagina, and then use a special inserter to put the IUD in through the opening of your cervix and into your uterus.
  6. The process usually takes five to ten minutes.

What Does It Feel Like

  1. The IUD insertion process can be painful, and you may have cramping, the pain typically doesn’t last long and medicine can help.
  2. People may feel cramping or pain when they’re getting their IUD placed. The pain can be worse for some, but typically it only lasts for a short time after the IUD has been inserted.
  3. Some people feel dizzy during or right after the IUD is put in, and there’s a small chance of fainting. You might want to ask someone to come with you to the appointment so you don’t have to drive or go home alone, and to give yourself some time to relax afterward.



IUD Removal Information

At Your Appointment

  1. You will meet with your clinician and they will review the removal process and answer any questions you have.
  2. You will undress from the waist down and lay down on the exam table for the removal.
  3. The clinician will ask you some questions about your medical history. Then they’ll check your vagina, cervix, and uterus, and they may test you for STIs if you would like.
  4. To remove the IUD, the clinician will put a speculum into your vagina, and then use a tool to grip the strings of the IUD to remove it.
  5. The IUD removal process can be painful, and you may have cramping, the pain typically doesn’t last long and medicine can help.
  6. Your clinician will provide instructions for after care.
  7. The process usually takes five to ten minutes.



Implant Insertion Information

Before Your Appointment

  1. Go to the pharmacy and get your your Implant.

Day of Your Appointment

  1. Take 600 mg of ibuprofen (Advil) one hour before your appointment to assist with comfort and follow any additional preparation instructions you received from your clinician.
  2. Bring your device with you to have inserted.
  3. The Implant can be put in at any point in your menstrual cycle.

At Your Appointment

  1. You will be asked to provide a sample of urine for a pregnancy test as an Implant cannot be inserted if you are pregnant.
  2. You will meet with your clinician and they will review the insertion process and answer any questions you have.
  3. The clinician will ask you some questions about your medical history.
  4. Local anesthesia is usually administered to numb the area where the implant will be inserted, typically the upper arm.
  5. The clinician will then insert the small, flexible implant under the skin of your upper arm using a specialized applicator.
  6. The procedure is relatively quick, often taking five to 10 minutes.



Implant Removal Information

At Your Appointment

  1. The clinician will assess the implant’s placement and may conduct a physical exam to determine the best approach for removal.
  2. Local anesthesia is often administered to numb the area around the implant site to minimize pain and discomfort during the removal procedure.
  3. Using a small incision, the clinician will carefully locate and remove the implant from your upper arm.
  4. A bandage will be applied after removal and will provide instructions for after care.
  5. The procedure is usually quick and straightforward, often taking five to ten minutes.


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